The Song of the Wind

Description: Programmatic piece. Based upon a short story.

“There was once a little bird that was determined to fly like the other larger birds. But he was always afraid that he would fall from such a high altitude. One day the wind spoke, "Just rely upon me. There are no tasks in the world in which anyone of us can do alone." Stubborn, the little bird insisted, and tried to fly. He failed falling into a nearby bush. Discouraged, the little bird vowed never to fly again. But again the wind said, "Rely on me, let me carry you into the distance." The bird only cried, and repeated that there was no way anyone could help him. The wind then began to sing which caused a gentle breeze which surrounded the bird. Hearing the song and feeling the wind, the bird became confident, spread its wings and leaped off of a nearby cliff, the wind carried the little bird high in the air, and together flew into the distance.”

Composed: 1995

Length: 3'47

Difficulty: Medium/Easy

Instrumentation: Wind Ensemble

Sample: mp3